Friday, 28 September 2018

This is my production experience slide.
I made it with my group Ngarie,madi and me.
It was super fun .
I really enjoyed making my slide.
I also enjoyed making the background for my one.
Next time I think I will make the words bigger so the world can read them easier.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Learning Art

This is my learning art. I have put down all the people who help me and teach me things and put a comment down on everyone i put on the paper of how they teach and help me. The arrows who go to the other people is the people who just help me learn. the arrows that go both ways means I help them learn and they help me as well. the arrows that just go to me means I help them and teach them and they don't so much.

Public Enemy Number 2 Post Card

This is my post card I made. We had to choose of making a post card of three books one was public enemy 2 and the others were billy and old smoko and fuzzy mud. I choose public enemy 2 because that’s the book I have been reading. In this picture is Nick (a character from the story) he is on the train tracks because big ed( another character from the story ) tied him there to get ran over because he didn’t like him. Then someone( we are not sure who it was yet my prediction is it was Johnny powers another big character from the story) came and gave Nick a knife to cut himself out. He got out just before the train came.

Seeking Help

This is my Seeking Help poster.
We where making seeking help posters so we can get some ideas of what to do if we found something that was not supposed to be on our blog or if we found someone being mean.
I enjoyed making the background.
I found hard making a window switcher button.
Next time I think I might make the words a bit bigger so it is easier to read.

Friday, 14 September 2018


 This is my Netiquette drawing.
 Netiquette is like being nice online.
 I really enjoyed making the background.
 I found it hard to making the words big enough so you can see them.
 Next time I think I might make the words a bit bigger but the character a bit smaller.
I am a stepping up blogger.  

Sky Tower

The Sky tower

 As me and my mum walked through the entrance of the sky tower , a lady asked us if we had reservation, We did so she gave us a piece of paper which let us through to the elevator. The elevator took around one minute to take us all the way to the top. The elevator had a glass floor so you could see all the way down from where you started. It also had a glass wall so you could see the outside while you were going up. We finally made it to the top we got to look all the way down it seemed so far away. Everything looked like ants. We looked around and took some pictures of how high it was. There weren't a lot of people there. After that it was time for lunch. We got back onto the elevator and went down to the food room. We were given some menus and word finds and someone showed us to our table. They came back in around five minutes and asked if we were ready to order I got the fish and fries,and my mum got some steak i think. After we ordered my mum accidentally put her purse on the side and as we slowly went around the purse got left behind some nice people found it and gave it back to us, but then my mum put it on the side again and then they picked it up again and started laughing and held it up it was pretty funny! She nearly did it again but i saw it first! After a while our meal came my mum loved hers , and I loved mine. They were delicious it didn’t take long for us to finish our lunch. Around five minute later someone came up to us and asked if we wanted dessert. So my mum ordered some cheese cake, and i ordered a banana split ice cream. We both loved our dessert. The icecream, was melting down my plate. It soon was time to leave. My mum and I walked to the place we had to pay. While my mum was paying I took some free mints. My mum said I took too much but they were free plus someone said to take as mANY as I want. So we went down the lift and to the parking lot and found my mum’s friend and her kids waiting.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Collaborating Online

Collaborating Online

We were learning how to collaborate online with others.
I really enjoyed making the the cybersmart buddy.
I found it hard trying to comment what i was about to do because it was hard to explain.
It was easy to group it and put it on the slides.
Next time I need to comment some more.

Collaboration is about working with someone to produce something and making decisions together.

Criteria for assessment:
πŸ‘ = beginner                    πŸ‘πŸ‘ = stepping up                    πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ = smart learner
My buddy and I used “comments” to collaborate
My buddy and I made decisions together using “comments”
My buddy and I wrote 3 important Cybersmart messages
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My buddy and I created a character in Google Drawings
My buddy and I designed our slides so the messages were easy to read
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My buddy and I used design elements in our slides
My DLO (digital learning object) is finished
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My DLO (digital learning object) turned out how I wanted it to