Thursday, 23 August 2018

This is my 2018 speech!

Hi world what do you think about my 2018 speech about kindness and to stop bullying in the world.
do you have any comments/ideas to help me make it better?

Have you ever been bullied or have been a bully?
Hi,my name is Frankie and I'm here to talk to you how we can make a difference in this world. Because did you know that 8200 students dropout of school or are forced to move schools just because people are bullying them!?  But that's just in New Zealand. Imagine how many people are forced to move schools or drop out because of bullying worldwide. That's not good enough in my opinion and if you bully you won't feel good about for the rest of your life. You will be guilty forever. Plus you will probably be seeing them sooner or later and they will awkwardly be asking if you want fries with that because karma catches up. .So I'm here to tell you how we can make a difference to the world. Because kind people are the best kind of people. Here are a couple ways to stay kind 

Be kind to others, do not bully or be a bully, before you say something to someone STOP and think if someone said what you’re about to say to them put yourself in their shoes.  How would you feel if someone said that to you?. Next time your going to say something to someone follow these simple steps: Stop and think will this hurt anyone or is this mean ? Think how this will affect others. Then go say it if its nice but if not keep it to yourself. If you don't have nothing nice to say don't say anything. Treat people how you want to be treated,  Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out. You never look good trying to make someone else look bad. The world will not be destroyed by people who do evil, but those who watch them without doing anything.

2.  Encourage,now this is simple all you have to do is help each other, when someone's in a race and they are struggling what would you do? Would you keep going or try and encourage them to keep going ? The answer should be encourage them to keep going. Just say keep going, you can do it, push yourself. You never know it could easily build up their confidence to keep going, to push themselves to the end.

3.  My third way is don't judge each other for what their style is support them.
For examples someone liked to wear some sort of animal clothing and you didn't like that animal would you judge them or not? I'm hoping the answer is that you would not judge them.
Because if you did judge them something will come straight back to you because like I said karma catches up with you. Be kind to everyone no matter what. Be kind whenever possible because it is always possible.
4. Most of time I would say just walk away from bullies and don’t go down to their low level.’ But there is a time when you have to take a stand. Don't let yourself get pushed around, sometimes just put your foot down. Look them right in the eye and tell them it's not ok, don’t bully them back just stay kind. Get help, don't be proud, ask an adult. It is a sign of strength not weakness to ask an adult for help. The bully may even need help themselves, there is usually a reason why they are so unhappy that they pick on others. 

Be the best version of you and be there for your friends. Don't let others bring you down, don’t give your power away. Power comes from being kind, sharing that with others and spreading happiness to the world. Just because others are mean don't be mean back , that's how the world changes one brave person like you being kind. 

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